SignBank® & FileMaker®

SignBank Dictionary Database

Multi-Lingual Sign Language Dictionary in FileMaker

FileMaker's visual user-interface is harnessed to create a breakthrough in Deaf Education. SignBank is specially-designed database software for SignWriting. It is a Sign Language dictionary on your computer, that sorts and prints dictionaries by sign symbols, using Sutton's Sign-Symbol-Sequence. Dictionaries can be viewed as Picture Dictionaries for children, or as multi-lingual databases for researchers, with video clips and animation. At present, the database is small, but it is building. SignBank users receive regular updates by CD through postal mail. It is exciting to watch the database grow.

The SignBank package includes the SignBank Portal for reading and printing dictionaries, the SignBank Editor, for creating your own dictionary databases, SymbolBank, the SignWriting symbol archive and the SignWriting Library Database, with lessons, literature and information online.

For Macintosh, and all Windows.

ISBN: 0-914336-64-9.


Sign Languages Are Now Written Languages!

SignWriitng is making history. There are hundreds of Sign Languages in the world, and never before was there a way to write them down. SignWriting has changed that. In just 30 years since its beginning in 1974, SignWriting is now used in Deaf Education, Sign Language Research, and by everyday Deaf people who use Sign Language, in 27 countries. SignWriting is a movement-writing alphabet that writes body movement. It is used to write the movements of ANY Sign Language, and brings the world of written literature to the born-deaf.

SignBank is a software package that uses SignWriting. It is a specially-designed database that provides Sign Language users, especially Deaf children and their teachers, a dictionary on their computer, written in SignWriting and words. Deaf children who have problems learning to read and write a spoken language, are improving their reading skills, because SignBank gives them a way to find words, providing video clips of the sign, and written literature that uses the words they have found. Researchers use SignBank to do sophisticated searches on signs they are researching.

For more information:

Valerie Sutton



Read & Write Any Sign Language in the World

1. Sign Languages are not international
2. There is a different Sign Language in every country
3. SignWriting is a visual alphabet that writes them all.
4. Sign Languages are now written languages!




SignWriting Dictionary Database in FileMaker

1. SignBank is a multi-lingual FileMaker database
2. Deaf students can search to find signs & words
3. Print Dictionaries in multiple formats
4. Teaches Deaf Students Languages & Literacy

